September 28, 2024
Area Seniors, Inc (ASI) of Antrim County is pleased to announce receipt of a grant from Traverse City Rotary Charities. These funds will be used to study the feasibility of building and operating an indoor recreation facility on ASI property in Bellaire, serving all of Antrim County.
This past summer ASI conducted an extensive community survey which found enthusiastic support to provide indoor recreation opportunities for adults and youth, families and groups, basically the entire community. With that solid support, ASI applied for a Seed Grant in July and was awarded $10,000 from Rotary Charities in early September. With an additional $2500 in matching funds from community members, ASI will study in more depth the feasibility of designing, building and operating the facility. This entire project would be funded solely by grants, donations and user fees.
Members of the community can join the ASI Indoor Support Group to learn more about the project. Your input is welcomed at community outreach events. The ASI committee hopes you will support the project with your ideas and financially. To be a part of this team and to stay informed, send an email with your contact information to
Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete the Area Seniors, Inc (ASI) online survey.