Our Bulk Email system is not working, so please look here for our Weekly Calendar!
TODAY: Community Center & Office Open
10-11:30 a.m. State Rep. Triston Cole, R-Mancelona, Town Hall tour stop! Open to everyone, so bring a friend and listen in to Triston’s “year in review.”
TUES 2/21: Community Center Open
4:00 p.m. ZUMBA Dance Exercise Classes for everyone! Instructor: Donna Sagady (231-350-2055) – Call Donna for additional info or come early to register.
WED 2/22: Community Center & Office Open
12:30 p.m. GENTLE YOGA and 2:00 p.m. HATHA YOGA with licensed instructor, Daryl Allison-Busch (231-564-0010) – Call Daryl for additional info or come early to register.
THURS 2/23: Community Center CLOSED during the day for Miracle Ear hearing exams.
3-5 p.m. “Steppers & Sliders” YMCA Camp Hayo-went-ta on Torch Lake Drive meeting up at the Dow Building. Potluck to follow! Call Ron/Dee Lynch for additional info at 231-377-7077
4:00 p.m. ZUMBA Dance Exercise Classes for everyone with Donna Sagady
FRI 2/24: Community Center and office Open
TUES 3/7 – TUES 3/14
Community Center and Office CLOSED Yoga classes resume on Wednesday, 3/8
If you have a yard sale donation (pick up) or need to purchase an item from our pole barns, please contact Mike Malloy at 231-533-4055 for assistance during this time. BILLIARD PLAY might be open on Monday and Tuesdays. To Be Determined. Stay tuned!
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TUES 3/14: Antrim County Commission On Aging
1-3 p.m. ($5 per person) – Join COA friends for an afternoon visit at the Applesauce Inn Bed and Breakfast!
There will be a coffee and cookie bar, and a tour of the house. Reservations and/or questions: Beth Lacy at C.O.A. at 231-533-8703