Miracle-Ear Center
Hearing screening offered once a month here at our Community Center!
Please read this important information and share with your loved ones!
Miracle-Ear Center is pleased to announce that they have teamed up with CaptionCall. This program offers those who have difficulty on the phone a captioning telephone at no charge (Internet service is required for use of this phone). CaptionCall provides amplification while simultaneously displaying captions of what your callers say on a large, easy-to-read screen. Best of all, there is no cost for the CaptionCall phone and service with a recommendation from our office. It is part of a program funded by the federal government. A free hearing evaluation will determine if a person is qualified for this program. Call today at 231-947-3337 to schedule your appointment, and let’s see if we can qualify you to receive a complimentary CaptionCall phone.
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